Von den Verfassern der Neuen Chronologie Anatoliy Fomenko, Gleb Nosovskiy

Die Chronologie und die Geschichte altertümlicher und mittelalterlicher Welt, die endgültig nur in XVI unserer Zeitrechnung übernommen wurde, enthalten offenbar grosse Fehler.

Viele hervorragende Gelehrte verstanden es und schrieben darüber.

Seit 1975 hat sich eine Gruppe von Mathematikern, hauptsaechlich aus der Moskauer Staatlichen Universität, mit der Lösung dieses Problems beschaeftigt. Man bekam die interessanten Ergebnisse, die in den wissenschaftlichen Periodika und separaten Monographien veröffentlicht wurden.

Wir werden betonen, das die neue Konzeption der Chronologie sich auf der Analyse der historischen Quellen von den Methoden der MODERNEN MATHEMATISCHEN Statistik und der umfangreichen Computerberechnungen gegruendet ist. Zu Ordnen die Ereignisse auf der Zeitscala nach den vorhandenen Informationen ist die Aufgabe der Chronologie. Diese Aufgabe passt natürlich in den Bereich der Anwendung der modernen mathematischen Statistik und Informationstheorie. Nur die Methoden der Geisteswissenschaften ist nicht genug, um die zeitlichen Probleme zu lösen. Es wird anderes psychologisches Bild der Wahrnehmung des Altertums gefordert.Jetzt soll sich der Begriff "das Altertum" mit XV-XVII AD verbinden. Diese Ereignisse werden von uns nur um 300-400 Jahre getrennt.
Der Begriff "das Tiefe Altertum" soll man zu XIII-XIV AD.

Unsere Analyse der Chronologie und der Geschichte hat den auffallenden Umstand aufgedeckt. Durch Anwendung mathematischen Methoden haben wir bewiesen, dass die Scaligersche Chronologie stimmt nicht. Also stimmen Chronologie der "Antike" und des Mittelalters auch nicht. 
Außerdem stellte sich heraus, dass unsere Geschichte bis zum Ende des XVI Jahrhunderts wurde bewusst in einer Zeit des XVII-XVIII Jahrhundert verfälscht.


History: Fiction or Science? e-Series (in englischer Sprache)



Book 1: The Issue with Chronology


  1. title: Chronology cut to the bone

Occam's razor: among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Occam's razor does not seek to offer complete and absolute proof, but to find the simplest probable answer to a question of why an event happened. Dr Fomenko et al find this answer : World History is an artfull construction of fables that essentialy repeat events of X-XVI cy under different names, in allegedly 'ancient' times. Construction that lasted over 500 years. Fable N°1 of it is its chronology. Once Occam's razor applied it shrinks. Earth 4,5 billion years. Human species is over million years old, human sapience sapience is about 150 000 years old. Once deconstructed with exact sciences the human civilization is about 1200-1400 years old. Razor hurts, but I prefer a clean shave.


Book 2: Astronomy vs. History


  1. title: Adieu Astronomy

Occam's razor: among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Occam's razor does not seek to offer complete and absolute proof, but to find the simplest probable answer to a question of why an event happened. Dr Fomenko et al applied this principle to Astronomy-History pair only to find out that they are not compatible. Once astronomical and/or astrological data contained in 'ancient' chronicles, manuscripts, horoscopes cut in stone, inked on papirus or parchment, printed or manuscripted on paper or vellum is analized, we note that alleged date and/or location of events therein described do not coincide with astronomical dating therefrom extracted. Example : Robert Newton writes in his book 'Crime of Claudius Ptolemy' (1977) that Ptolemy's catalog of stars allegedly composed in 160 A.D. could not have been calculated prior to XVIcy. Right ?


Book 3: The Apocalypse as seen by Astronomy


  1. title: Apocalypse of Erasmus

Occam's razor: among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Occam's razor does not seek to offer complete and absolute proof, but to find the simplest probable answer to a question of why an event happened. Dr Fomenko et al applied this principle to Apocalypse of Saint John to find that Erasmus of Rotterdam was the first one to print it in Geneva in 1515 A.D. Dr Erasmus was a talented writer, philosopher, thinker, therefore it is logical to presume that he edited it too. The basic text of The Revelations was provided to him by Johannes Reuchlin, Papal secretary, astrologist and saviour of 'ancient' herbraic texts collected from sinagogues burnt all over Germany. The text contained a verbal astrological horoscope Reuchlin composed. This horoscope is irrefutably datable by October 1486 A.D. and not 60 A.D. if location of observation was Isle of Patmos, Greece. I conclude for Dr Fomenko et al : do not shedule basis celestial Apocalypse version1.515. Homo Sapience may stage its own Apocalypse any time, i.e. In version 2.015.


Book 4: The Issue with Dark Ages


  1. title: Brilliant Dark Ages

Occam's razor: among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Occam's razor does not seek to offer complete and absolute proof, but to find the simplest probable answer to a question of why an event happened. Dr Fomenko et al applied this principle to Dark Ages concluding that there were no Dark Ages to separate the 'Antiquity' from the Renaissance – that the “Re-naissance” was in fact the Naissance of the Western European culture. They pointed to the creators, perpetrators and operators who made it happen. Many of them will are and stay unknown. Check the hundreds unfamiliar names on the list of the forbidden by Papacy 'heretic' books and authors.


Book 5: The Issue with Antiquity


  1. title: Museums of 'ancient' fakes

Occam's razor: among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Occam's razor does not seek to offer complete and absolute proof, but to find the simplest probable answer to a question of why an event happened. Dr Fomenko et al applied this principle to Antiquity to find that there was none prior to XIIcy. Numerous artifacts that fill the museums worldwide are not fakes, they were manufactured in XV-XVII cy in Italy, France, Spain, Germany, etc.. to satisfy the growing demand of upper classes. 'Antiquity' is the product of “Re-naissance” that was in fact the Naissance of the Western European culture. Numerous writers, creators, perpetrators and commerce made it happen in XIV-XVIIIcy. Monsieur Jean Hardoin knew it well as the chief librarian of Louis XIV the Sun King of France and collector of Louvre.


Book 6: The Issue with Troy


  1. title: Achilles clean shaven

Occam's razor: among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Occam's razor does not seek to offer complete and absolute proof, but to find the simplest probable answer to a question of why an event happened. Dr Fomenko et al applied this razor principle to Troy  and concluded that the best source of data about is the movie Troy with Brad. They found out that Herr Schlieman on the basis of german version of his classic school education has artbitrarely rebabtized a small turkish village Hyssarlik Troy where Priam ruled, attacked by vicious Aganemnon and Co. The reason for such speedy discovery was that things 'ancient' greek were fashion very much in demand in Berlin of 1868. 'Ancient' roman brend was too French and thus corrupt. German Reich was to be built on a clean of 'ancient' greek example and style. Look on German buildings and monuments of that period. Indiana Schlieman did his job and delivered the goods. Sieg Heil!


Book 7: The Issue with Russian History


  1. title: Russia Made in Germany

Occam's razor: among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Occam's razor does not seek to offer complete and absolute proof, but to find the simplest probable answer to a question of why an event happened. Dr Fomenko et al applied this principle to concensual Russian History to find out that the team german historians imported to Russia by czar Peter I has improved Russian history as follows : Ryurik founders of Russian State in Kiev were Normans from Sweden. Russians invited Normans to rule because being illiterate they could not rule themselves. To improve literacy and culture Norman Russian Prince Vladimir invited learned monks from Byzantine and baptized everybody into Christianity. Moreover, german historians injected into the russian history the myth of 'Mongol' invasion which burned Kiev, etc..etc to the ground. Russsians supported the Mongol yoke of Golden Horde for 200 years and german myth thereof for further 500 years. Does not rime anymore.


Book 8: The Horde from Pacific to Atlantic


  1. title: World Order failed

Occam's razor rule: among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Occam's razor does not seek to offer complete and absolute proof, but to find the simplest probable answer to a question of why an event happened. Dr Fomenko et al applied this principle to the idea of the World Order to find out that it existed in XII-XVIcy as the 'ancient' Great Horde Empire that colonized most of Eurasia from Pacific to Atlantic during this time. This World Order alias Horde fell into rebelling pieces due to the Great Strife of mid-XVIcy. The posthumanoid version of the World Order  by 2030?


Book 9: The Issue with Mongols 


  1. title: Mongols from Berlin

Occam's razor: among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Occam's razor does not seek to offer complete and absolute proof, but to find the simplest probable answer to a question of why an event happened. Dr Fomenko et al applied this razor principle to Mongolia to find out that Mongols didn't know in mid-XIXcy just how great they were once or who Mr Ghengis was. Moreover, Mongolia was a label for the 'ancient' Great Horde Empire that spread through XII-XVIcy colonizing most of Eurasia from Pacific to Atlantic. Horde fell into pieces due to Great Strife of mid-XVIcy. The 'mongol' invasions of Horde took place to punish rebellious fiefdoms that tried to break away or stopped to pay taxes. They found that the 'mongol' myth was injected into russian history by german historians imported to Russia by czar Peter I.


Book 10:The Issue with Ivan the Terrible

'Issue with Ivan the Terrible' is a major one in history of Russia. This overdramatized person was actually a collation of FOUR Czars during the Great Strife of Russian Empire in XVI-XVII centuries. The collison of dynasties of Godunov, Romanov, conspiracies of Zacharin, Kurbskiy, 3 false Dimitries as pretenders to the throne, Polish army occupying the Kremlin, truly tectonic events of orthodox religion, the desintegration of the Horde. The e-series 'History: Fiction or Science?' contains data, illustrations, charts and formulae containing rrefutable evidence of mathematical,statistical and astronomical nature. Feel free to use them in your eventual discussions with the avid devotees of classical chronology. In fact, before reading this book, you have most probably been one of such devotees. After reading History: Fiction or Science? you will develop a more critical attitude to the dominating historical discourse or even become its antagonist.You will be confronted with natural disbelief when you share what you've learned with others. Now you are very well armed in face of inevitable scepticism.


Book 11: The Issue with Tamerlane

'The Isue with Tamerlane' is the 11th volume of e-series 'History: Fiction or Science?' is not a minor one as Tamerlane incorporates TWO distinct persons. Morover, not a drop of Ghengis blood in neither of them. Tamerlane was a collation of Slavic and Turkic warlords. The book contains abundant data, illustrations, charts and formulae containing irrefutable evidence of mathematical, statistical and astronomical nature. Feel safe to use them in your eventual discussions with the avid devotees of classical chronology. In fact, before reading this book, you have most probably been one of such devotees. After reading History: Fiction or Science? you will develop a more critical attitude to the dominating historical discourse or even become its antagonist.You will be confronted with natural disbelief when you share what you've learned with others. Now you are very well armed in face of inevitable scepticism. This book contains enough solid evidence to silence any historian by the sheer power of facts and argumentation. History: Fiction or Science? is the most explosive tractate on history ever written – however, every theory it contains, no matter how unorthodox, is backed by solid scientific data.


Book 12: USA has Issues with Maps of 18th century

''USA has Issues with Maps of 18th century' analyses in detail the maps of 1771 edition of Encyclopedia Britannica and concludes that Northwestern part of United states of America was built on remains of Moscuvite Tartary, which according to Britannicaof 1771 was the biggest state in the world with capital in Tobolsk! The war of new Russian Epire of 1773-1775 with Moscuvite Tartary covered up by Catherine II as a raid against peasant rebellion headed by aka Pougatchev (scare in russian) was actually the final blow in destruction of Great Tartary. After the war of 1773-1775 the new Russian Empire has taken over Urals, Western and Eastern Siberia, Alaska, Northwestern America down to San Franciso. These 'russian' american territories were too far to control efficiently by the Rusian Empire and were therefore taken over step by step by USA and British Empire. ''USA has Issues with Maps of 18th century' book is a part of kindle-series 'History: Fiction or Science?' series, which contains data, illustrations, charts and formulae containing irrefutable evidence of mathematical, statistical and astronomical nature. Feel free to use them in your eventual discussions with the avid devotees of classical chronology. In fact, before reading this book, you have most probably been one of such devotees.


Book 13: The Issue with Czar's Helmet

'The Issue with Czar's Helmet' from the e-series History: Fiction or Science? asks why the armour of russian warlords of XIV-XVI centuries was all covered with arabic inscriptions from Quran they could not possibly read. Or could they? Russian Czars Alexander Nevskiy and Ivan the Terrible wore helmets with Arabic inscriptions. Were the thousands of helmets, swords, sabres, shields, armours with Arabic inscriptions kept in Armoury of Kremlin the rich spoils of war with Arabs, Turks or presents of their embassadors to Russian Czars?


Book 14: The Issue with Great Russian Tartary

'The Issue with Great Tartary' is a very big one, as the Great or Russian Tartary was according to British Encyclopedia History, edition of 1771 the biggest state in the world! This enormous state has dissappeared without a trace from all subsequent editions of Britannica. Clerical mistake? Enigma clouded in mistery? Solved! Why then the mainstream historians do not shower mathematician Academician Dr.Prof Fomenko with thanks and laurels?


Book 15: The Issue with British History


  1. title: Apocalypse of Erasmus

Occam's razor: among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Occam's razor does not seek to offer complete and absolute proof, but to find the simplest probable answer to a question of why an event happened. Dr Fomenko et al applied this principle to British History to find that one one hand it was drastically shorter, but the rôle Great Britain played in the world history was by far more important then generally presumed. A small island with scarse illiterate population in XIVcy, it went through a number of political, educational and technical revolutions and turned XVIIIcy into the Empire where the sun never set. It ruled the waves better than competition.


The Issue with British History


  1. title: Drop 'Roman' clutches

Occam's razor: among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Occam's razor does not seek to offer complete and absolute proof, but to find the simplest probable answer to a question of why an event happened. Dr Fomenko et al applied this principle to British History to find it drastically shorter, whereby Britain per se played by far more important rôle in the world history than generally presumed. A small island with scarse illiterate population in XIVcy went through a number of ruthless political, educational and technical revolutions to turn by XVIIIcy into the Empire where the sun never set. Britain ruled the waves better than competition thus becaming Great. Methinks, UK doesn't need artificial clutches of from 'ancient' Rome to continue its progress. Remember Issac Newton calling for revision of 'ancient' history ?


Book 16: Crusades and Exoduses


  1. title: Confusing mainstream star

Occam's razor: among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Occam's razor does not seek to offer complete and absolute proof, but to find the simplest probable answer to a question of why an event happened. Lets apply Occam's razor to brilliant for its sarcasm and style Mr Stanton's mainstream historian's perception of Dr Fomenko et al New Chronology :


And now the history of the world as outlined in this book: History begins when Andronicos Comnenos dies and becomes Jesus. History records him as an unsuccessful Greek emperor with no real successes who was beaten to death by the mob and not a poor prophet from Nazareth who was crucified but hey, what do they know.

Immediately all of Europe decides that they're Christian and march against the Muslims. It may sound confusing why they'd blame the Muslims for what was an internal coup but they were probably just confused because Mohammed wasn't born yet. At some point they changed their minds and decided to skip the first three crusades and jump straight onto the Fourth (except that they didn't. It was actually the same as the First. Obviously. Please try and keep up).

They then sacked Constantinople which was also Rome which was Troy which was Jerusalem. At some point they get confused and occupied the Holy Land as well and then forget all about Constantinople and let it fall back to the Greeks since Jerusalem was now Constantinople which was Troy which was Rome. People back then had very short memories often forgetting why they did something before they even did it. This is probably due to their lack of statisticians. During the First Crusade the Greeks decide to avenge the kidnapping of their queen by... also sacking Constantinople. After sacking their own city they quietly vanish for a few years, probably in embarrassment.

Some time later Erasmus wrote the New Testament confusing generations of scholars who wondered what they had been copying out for all that time. Having now written a New Testament it was decided that they needed an Old one. I'm sure the reasons for the reversed order are as obvious to everyone else as they are to Fomenko. Some time in the 15th Century David rose up, except that he was Turkish and ruled in Constantinople.

Despite the many wars with the Turks Europe had never warred with the Turks and accepted all of these events as holy writ. After all, the Turks were really Russian in funny hats and the Russians ruled the world. The Byzantines were secretly ruling in England. After the death of Solomon (Suleimon) the Jews split off from Christianity because they were tired of not being persecuted because of something they didn't do and decided that being hunted by the Inquisition was more fun. In the confusion the Catholics and Orthodox Christians split apart as well because everyone else was doing it and it seemed a good idea at the time. They were to regret this later when the Catholics sacked their city but that had already happened so it was fine.



Small wonder, classist star is confused. Dr Fomenko application of Occam's rule to the history of religions results according to the New Chronology as follows: the pre-Christian period (before the 11th century and Jesus Christ ), Bacchic Christianity (11th to 12th century, before and after Jesus Christ), Jesus Christ Christianity (12th to 14th century) and its subsequent mutations (15th to 17th) into Orthodox Christianity, the Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism, and so on.. Well, as Dr Fomenko is disposed to repent and retract if exact sciences produce valid refutations thereof. Fatwas are welcome.


Book 17: Maps and Coins vs History

'Maps and Coins vs. History', from the series History: Fiction or Science? shows You that scores of maps and hoards of coins contradict consensual world history. 'Maps and Coins vs. History' questions the numismatics per se. The book contains data, illustrations, charts and formulae containing irrefutable evidence of mathematical, statistical and astronomical nature. Feel free to use them in your eventual discussions with the avid devotees of classical chronology. In fact, before reading this book, you have most probably been one of such devotees. After reading books of 'History: Fiction or Science?' series you will develop a more critical attitude to the dominating historical discourse or even become its antagonist.


Book 18: Swords and Mantles tell History

'Swords and Mantles tell History' from the series History: Fiction or Science? reports about scores of cases of numerrous allegedly unreadable inscriptions on ancient swords kept in european museums, abouts signs and symbols on coronation mantle of Chralemagne, etc..etc. Read and find out why! This book contains data, illustrations, charts and formulae containing irrefutable evidence of mathematical, statistical and stronomical nature. Feel free to use them in your eventual discussions with the avid devotees of classical chronology. In fact, before reading this book, you have most probably been one of such devotees.


Book 19: The Testament of Peter the Great

'The Testament of Peter the Great' consists of chapters that complement and develop the reconstruction of the Russian history as related in the previous books of the 'History: Fiction or Science?' series. Peter the Great has literally ruined Russia, lost at least a quarter of its population, broke into Europe, made Russia an awkward european upstart and a laughing stock. Well, Peter the Great created modern army and fleet, beat in Poltava the king of Sweden Karl XII and his army rumored to be the best of this time into pulp. Great reformer to the hilt. Russia paid the price. The sequence of individual topics is usually of little importance, and the sections can be read in a random order. Every individual issue mentioned below is of interest per se, and can serve as basis for further research. The series History: Fiction or Science? contains data, illustrations, charts and formulae containing irrefutable evidence of mathematical, statistical and astronomical nature. Feel free to use them in your eventual discussions with the avid devotees of classical chronology. In fact, before reading this book, you have most probably been one of such devotees.


Book 20: The Issue with Baptism of Russia

'The Issue with Baptism of Russia' reports to the readers that there were 4 baptisms of Russia according to canonical russian orthodox church literature and not one of 989 A.D. ordered by Prince Vladimir as it is told by schoolbooks for the last 400 years! 'The Issue with Baptism of Russia' consists of chapters that complement and develop the reconstruction of the Russian history from the point of view of New Chronology as related in the previous books of the History: Fiction or Science? series. The sequence of individual topics is usually of little importance, and the sections can be read in a random order. Every individual issue mentioned below is of interest per se, and can serve as basis for further research.


Book : The Great Wall of China Hoax


  1. title: mid-XVII cy Wall

Occam's razor: among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Occam's razor: among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Occam's razor does not seek to offer complete and absolute proof, but to find the simplest probable answer to a question of why an event happened. Dr Fomenko et al applied this principle to The Great Wall of China too and concluded that the absense thereof on the maps printed in Europe prior to XVIIcy means that there was no Great Wall then. The fact that 'ancient' China has the same flow events with similar durations of dynasties as in 'ancient' Rome is not just some strange accident of history, but diligent copying under the guidance of jesuit team. Neither the Wall, not the allegedly predeluvian chinese chronicles allow for conclusion of extreme ages of China or Rome. They point to XV-XVIIcy.