Introduction to the Critique of Traditional History and Chronology

The article is based on a slideshow from the German initial page. It allows for a calm understanding of new information and includes explanations for the terms used.

It corresponds to the German and Russian versions of this article. The advantage and peculiarity of all three articles for those who know the relevant languages is that they contain not only texts in these languages (many online translators can handle the translation), but also pictures in them.

Table of Contents


This is a very brief introduction to the issue of the Critique of Traditional History and Chronology (CrTHCh).


History is the science of events in the past, their sequence, and sources of information about them.

Chronology is the dating and determination of the sequence of historical events and sources.

Traditional history and chronology are incorrect.

Critique of Traditional History and Chronology and Reconstructions

The Critique of Traditional History and Chronology (CrTHCh) is dedicated to providing evidence of the inaccuracies of the traditional view of history, with some of the multitude of arguments demonstrated in this article and slideshow.

But what really happened? This is the focus of reconstructions of historical events and their relationships.

New Chronology (NCh) by Fomenko and Nosovsky

One of the most significant works in the field of criticizing traditional chronology and a major reconstruction is the research by Anatoly Fomenko and Gleb Nosovsky, known as "New Chronology" (Fomenko and Nosovsky, FN). NCh can be irritating to those unfamiliar with it or only superficially acquainted, including traditional historians. The reconstruction of NC is the primary target of mockery directed at NCh.

Joseph Justus Scaliger (died in 1609) is the author (compiler) of the current (traditional) chronology. Did you think it has always been this way? That's why the commonly accepted chronology is sometimes referred to as Scaligerian.


Dynastic Parallels are one of the most vivid examples of the fabrication of Traditional Chronology.

A dynasty is a sequence of rulers.

Dynastic parallels play a crucial role in the chart, emphasizing the durations of reigns. The rulers themselves could be simply listed in a comma-separated fashion.

The fir trees are arranged very simply: the left and right parts represent pairs of dynasties, the beginnings of which are aligned with each other. These pairs were discovered based on known or previously unknown similarities using empirical-statistical methods in textbooks of traditional history. The striking symmetry is quite noticeable, isn't it?

You can find these and dozens of similar "fir trees" in the book by G.V. Nosovsky and A.T. Fomenko, "Reconstruction of Universal History," on pages 596-643.

Even more of such "fir trees" can be found on Google (in the "Images" tab) using the search term "Correlation of reigns" (Google also provides links to books containing images).

It is crucial to note that the source for these "fir trees" is traditional history! You can verify everything yourself!

[1] Blair J. Chronological Tables, covering all parts of world history from year to year from the creation of the world to the XIX century. Volumes I, II. - Moscow, Publishing House of Moscow University, 1808 - 1809.

[2] Bemon S., Mono G. History of Europe in the Middle Ages. - St. Petersburg, 1915.

[3] Colerations. History of Germany. - Vol. I, II. - Moscow, 1860.

"History repeats itself!" - ever heard that? It "repeats" because it was constructed that way.



And here are some more images to reinforce the impression.






For those who still can't believe their eyes, the correlations are based on TRADITIONAL historical information:

[1] Blair J. Chronological Tables. Moscow, 1808-1809. Vol. 1, 2.

[2] Bikerman E. Chronology of the Ancient World. Moscow, 1975.

[2] Bemon S., Mono G. History of Europe in the Middle Ages. St. Petersburg, 1915.

[B] The Bible


The only explanation for these remarkable images is that there are dynastic duplicates in traditional chronology.

An important result of Fomenko's research is that the earlier dynasties are phantom, copied from the real history of the 11th-17th centuries. Therefore, traditional chronology is incorrect.


And here's another approach discovered in the construction of the false chronology - the use of numerology.

The example is taken from V. Lopatin's book "The Matrix of Scaliger," dedicated to medieval numerology and its application in chronology.

This is not about numerology as a belief in mystical connections between numbers and the future or a person's character. Moreover, Lopatin did not invent the following connections - he discovered them! In numerology, all numbers can be reduced to single digits - add all the decimal places of a number, then if it results in 10 or more, add those digits. This process is continued until an elementary number from 1 to 9 is obtained.



Transition to the beginning of the "Introduction to the Critique of Traditional History and Chronology"


Ancient "Ancient" Egypt

The history of Egypt is said to span more than five millennia. The construction of the pyramids is supposedly a mystery.

But what is the reality?

First, let's acquaint ourselves with the concept of the Zodiac (horoscopes). Again, this has nothing to do with the influence of the positions of stars or planets on a person's destiny.

Imagine the Solar System at the center of the stellar space - the so-called "sphere of fixed stars." Twelve regions of the sphere are known as zodiacal constellations. The positions of planets, the Sun, and the Moon among these constellations are determined by the intersection of the rays directed from Earth to the corresponding objects.

The list of these positions, i.e., pairs like "Venus in Virgo," is called the Zodiac (horoscope).

Now let's examine a few zodiacs.



The real chronology of "Ancient Egypt" can be envisioned based on the following table, which includes deciphered dates associated with known ancient Egyptian names and structures.




Just stepping slightly beyond this brief introduction to explain the utter helplessness in debates among supporters of Egyptian history based on the false traditional chronology. They have nothing but statements like "we covered this in school".

Almost none of them knows that OFFICIALLY (see Wikipedia or the opinion of Artificial Intelligence), there are two (traditional!) chronological schools. Supporters of the "long" chronology place all the pharaohs sequentially, one after another, while those inclined towards the "short" chronology believe that some pharaohs ruled simultaneously and were only later, by mistake, placed one after another. The difference is roughly 1000 years. Moreover, the durations of the reigns of most pharaohs are unknown. No problem, the actual founder of Egyptology, Brugsch, assigned exactly 33 1/3 years to each such pharaoh. Convenient, and it adds up to a lot of millennia!

It becomes especially amusing when people who know nothing about physics start referring to the use of radiocarbon analysis for dating. Well, what does such an analysis prove for two schools of Egyptian chronology that estimate the existence of Egypt with a 1000-year difference? Only that both are wrong ☺️.


Zodiacs for dating important (as well as personal) events were used not only in ancient Egypt but also in relatively recent times. Excellent examples of zodiacal dating from other epochs are given in the book "G. Nosovsky, A. Fomenko. Roxolana. Zodiacal Dating 2011-2019."

"Who was the famous Roxolana? Which artist hides behind the name Raphael and when did he really live? Whose face is depicted in Raphael's famous painting 'The Sistine Madonna'? From whom and when was the image of Cleopatra copied? ... Who and when invented the first wheeled carriage? Who were the two famous saints Catherine...? Where do the roots of the famous medieval tales about the 'eternal Jew' Agasfer go?"

Answers to these and many other questions are provided in the mentioned book, which I highly recommend. The key to solving the puzzles was the dating of zodiacs.


On this site, several examples of the ASCENSION (ASSUMPTION) ZODIACS are also examined (in German).

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When and how were the pyramids built?

The Great Pyramids of Egypt, as per the Scaligerian (traditional) history, were erected in the deepest antiquity.

Wikipedia states that the construction of the Pyramid of Khufu was completed around 2540 BCE. In a lengthy article (in Russian), there are numerous details, such as the average weight of stone blocks: 2.5 tons, the heaviest being around 35 tons. There is, however, no mention of the construction method! It's amusingly noted that the construction time (twenty years, 300 working days per year, 10 working hours per day) "leads to the speed of delivering and laying blocks (how?) - about one block every two minutes." That's some logistics! Amazon's current standard is one minute per box packing.

Construction of the Pyramids

The Pyramid of Khufu is built from more than two million stone blocks with a total weight of about 6 million tons. The average weight of a block is 2.5 tons, and the maximum is 35 tons. Millions of slaves couldn't move these blocks in one piece.

The pyramids are built of concrete!



Above is a depiction of a fragment of the upper corner of a block from the Pyramid of Khufu (unfolded on a plane). Imprints of two layers of papyrus matting are visible on the block's surface.

Finely crushed sand, Nile silt with cement-like properties, water from the river, and a dismountable formwork lined from the inside with papyrus – everything needed to pour a block of any size in the desired location. And the Sun – will dry it.

By the way, casting from concrete, more precisely from geopolymer concrete, was also used in the production of sculptures, vases, and other figurative items. For example, the famous "Bust of Nefertiti" (now, however, a Google search for these words only yields another "bust" – painted, with a headdress), is clearly cast, as evidenced by the longitudinal line left after removing the halves of the mold.



By the way, casting from concrete, more precisely from geopolymer concrete, was also used in the production of sculptures, vases, and other figurative items. For example, the famous "Bust of Nefertiti" (now, however, a Google search for these words only yields another "bust" – painted, with a headdress), is clearly cast, as evidenced by the longitudinal line left after removing the halves of the mold.

The discovery of geopolymer concrete, as well as the idea that blocks were made using concrete and formwork, is credited to Joseph Davidovitch (See Joseph Davidovits on Wikipedia).

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Pompeii perished as a result of the eruption of Vesuvius in 1631 AD, not in 79 AD, as traditionally believed. This has been convincingly proven. In particular, there is a lot of material on this topic on this site (search the forum using the word "Pompeii").

In particular, this explains the exceptionally high level of artistic works discovered during excavations.


Very interesting book about Pompeii by Milenko Nikolić with numerous illustrations is available on the German part of this website (available in PDF format).

And here are medical instruments from Pompeii. Isn't it amusing, considering it's the 1st century AD?



History of Science and Technology versus Traditional History

You can choose any topic you like:


Tools and tools

The wheel and horseshoes

Shipbuilding and more.

Transition to the beginning of the Introduction to the Critique of Traditional History and Chronology


Art and its History

This is a very interesting topic, with many materials dedicated to it on this site. For example, the story about the remarkable forgery by Salvador Dali and Hieronymus Bosch's "Garden of Earthly Delights."

Or the extensive research on the General Global Scenario of the Creation of European Art.

But here, I want to draw your attention to a scientific result that is significant for the entire history of art.

I'm talking about the so-called "Jabinski Sinusoid."

To put it extremely simply, Jabinski, being an art historian, collected a huge collection of images of works of art. He "noticed" what everyone before him had seen: that works from completely different eras can be surprisingly similar. Jabinski structured the images based on the following axioms (this is a paraphrase!):

  • Art evolves from simple to complex.
  • Art is spread more or less evenly throughout the civilization's territory.
  • Nothing is "forgotten" in art – materials, technologies, techniques, and methods of work, etc.

Based on this, Jabinski (see his book "Another History of Art") placed similar works next to each other on lines that he called conditional centuries. Ignoring the traditionally attributed times of creation for these works!



After distributing similar works across the conditional centuries (lines 1-9), the Jabinski Sinusoid was created, in which real (from traditional chronology) centuries were matched to conditional lines. ..

In other words, there were real, from the perspective of art history, centuries IX - XVII, and everything from previous centuries that is projected onto them along the corresponding lines of conditional centuries has been placed there as a result of falsifying the chronology. And this works even in cases of doubts or uncertainties. Here is an example of applying the sinusoid.

Transition to the beginning of the Introduction to the Critique of Traditional History and Chronology



The topic of falsifications in Traditional History and Chronology is inexhaustible. It's impossible to list everything.

Join the Critique of Traditional History and Chronology and enjoy the fact that you are standing on your feet, not on your head.