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06 Jan. 2011 22:22 - 09 März 2015 18:15 #3216 von
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06 Jan. 2011 22:54 - 06 Jan. 2011 22:58 #3226 von Tuisto
Ludendorff und seine Frau kannten jedenfalls das Geheimnis von JaH = 15 und VeH = 11.

Wie wäre es mal mit etwas original Jüdischem dazu?


In the year 1656 from creation, or 2105 BCE, a major flood wiped out all living creatures, except for Noah, his family, and a small animal kingdom. It took Noah and his sons 120 years to build the Ark that saved them. And, they were forced to build it in full view of all the people of their time, who mocked them to no end and disbelieved their warnings of the impending flood.

The rest is history. The Great Flood came, man was washed away, and Noah and his family were forced to begin mankind anew one year later. The Flood waters rose above the highest mountain 15 cubits (about 30 feet), while the Ark listed down in the water 11 cubits (about 22 feet).

What difference does it make to know how severe the devastation was?

The numerical value of Yud-Heh, the section of God's Holy Name corresponding to His revealed and perceived Presence, is 15. The numerical value of Vav-Heh, the part of the Name corresponding to the hidden hand of God that works through nature, is 11.

This is why the 15 "ascended," while the 11 "descended" -- indicating a split in the Name while the two sections moved in opposite directions. It was the measure-for-measure punishment against the Generation of the Flood, because the point of the Ark and the other "natural" changes to history are messages from God to wake up and change our way of life. However, given the choice to ascribe the subtle messages to God or to nature, they chose the latter, pushing the hand of God further away in their minds.

Are we doing the same thing today, as we have throughout history?

Es folgt der Masterplan:

The Zohar (Balak 212b) writes about the End of Days:

...Then this star will emanate to be seen in the world. This will cause a great war to occur at that time in all four directions, and there will be no faith amongst them. In the middle of the world, once this star begins to shine in the middle of the sky, a great king will arise and take control of the world, and act arrogantly over all the kings. A war will begin on two sides and he will overcome them.

On the day that the star is gathered, the Holy Land will shake for 45 miles from all around until the place of the Temple. An underground cave will become revealed, and from that cave will go out a fire that will burn the world. From that cave a great and elevated branch will sprout and it will control the world. To him the kingship will be given. The holy and elevated ones will gather around him, and then Moshiach will be revealed in the world, and to him will go the kingship.

The world, at the time that Moshiach will be revealed, will have been experiencing trouble after trouble, and the enemies of Israel will have been prevailing. Then, the spirit of Moshiach will be aroused against them, and the evil Edom will be destroyed. The entire land of Seir will be destroyed by fire.

Regarding that time, it says, "And Israel will attain success" (Numbers 24:18), and, "Edom shall be a conquest and Seir shall be the conquest of his enemies." The enemies of Israel, and then Israel, will attain success.

Is this what we are experiencing now? Is that what the events of today are leading toward? Is biblical prophecy finding fulfillment in modern-day newscasts?

It is hard to believe that the answer is "yes" -- not because we know otherwise, but because we are scared to commit in case we are wrong, and scared to be wrong in case we don't commit.

We are scared to commit in case we are wrong, and scared to be wrong in case we don't commit.

We live in an atmosphere of thick doubt.

However, if you think about it, if the test is one of faith and trust in God, and His master plan for creation, then it doesn't really matter how the scenario ends. In truth, faith and trust need only know that the situation is difficult and nothing more.

If the situation is difficult, then we simply "turn on" our faith-and-trust switches and peacefully go with God. Of course, we do not remain oblivious to world events, and we may even be forced to dramatically alter our daily routines. However, we must not panic, but rather, always function within a Torah framework."

Doch zuvor wird das Datum genannt, das jeder gute Kabbalist kennen sollte:


The Zohar (Balak 212b) describes a catastrophic tragedy that will befall future Rome, where "three great towers will fall":

I will show you, but not for now, for these things will only come to be at that time, some after time and some in the days of Moshiach. "A star has gone forth from Yaakov..." (Numbers 24:17).

This teaches us that in the future, The Holy One, Blessed is He, will build Jerusalem and one star will spark within 70 pillars of fire and 70 sparks will receive light from it in the middle of the sky. The other 70 stars will be swallowed within it. It will give off light and blaze for 70 days.

At the end of the sixth day it will become visible at the beginning of the 25th day of the sixth month. It will be gathered in at the end of 70 complete days and be visible in the city of Rome, and on that day, three great walls will fall, a great hall will fall, and the power of that city will die.

The September 11 attack may be hinted to in this Zohar. Amazingly, the attack on "three great walls" occurred on the 23rd day of the sixth Jewish month, Elul. According to some commentators going back hundreds of years, the accurate text of the Zohar is "23rd day" not "25th day," since the latter can never fall out on "the sixth day" of the week. This is due to a calendric technicality whereby Rosh Hashana, the first day of Tishrei, never occurs on a Wednesday.

Why does the Zohar mention Rome? Ancient Rome fell over 1,500 years ago, and nothing like this has occurred in modern Rome?

Man beachte: Das sind Originalquellen von anerkannten jüdischen kabbalistischen Autoritäten.
Rom ist bekanntlich auch EDOM, das Rote Land Esaus südlich des Toten Meeres.

"Amazingly, the attack on "three great walls" occurred on the 23rd day of the sixth Jewish month, Elul. According to some commentators going back hundreds of years, the accurate text of the Zohar is "23rd day" not "25th day,"

In diesem Statement ist ein gravierender Fehler, man finde ihn, und man kennt das richtige Datum. Jetzt mach ich´s mal so wie Ingwer ganz sybillinisch und das, obwohl der Duden sibyllinisch vorschreibt!

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11 Jan. 2011 19:28 - 11 Jan. 2011 19:38 #3343 von Tuisto
Ich denke, die Kanzelempore ist noch nicht ausdiskutiert.
Genauso interessant sind nämlich die abgebildeten Gestalten, Pflanzen und Tiere:

Ich beginne von links nach rechts:

Der Tod mit Keule (evt. auch Orion) in der linken Hand und etwas undefiniertem in der rechten Hand (ein mensch?)Unter dem Arm ein Vogelkopf, vielleicht eine Eule oder ein Falke?

Daneben ein Rattenfell mit einer Inschrift. Was besagt sie?

Nun folgen 2 Hunde oder vielleicht ist das vordere Tier auch ein junges Ferkel und das Hintere?

Im mittlerern Arkadenbogen sind ein senkrechter Hase und ein Wolf, der einen Hasen beißt.
Lupus beißt Lepus.

Darüber eine Kuh oder ein Einhorn, das von einem Hund gebissen wird.

Darüber eine Schlange und unter der Schlange eine Herde Damwild?

Links ein Löwe, der einen Hund im Visier hat, darüber eine Ziege? und daneben ein Affe mit erhobenen Händen?

Ganz links ein dreiteiliger Ast, durchbohrt von einer über die gesamte Empore laufenden, gedrehten steinernen "Eisenstange", die ihrerseits von einer noch dickeren gedrehten Stange umfasst wird.

An der Wurzel eine Schnecke? und 2 Unterärme deren linker eine art Schraube nach oben hält.

Wurde auch diese Ikonographie untersucht und gedeutet?

Ich bin ziemlich sicher, dass die Tierfiguren über dem mittleren Portal den Sternenhimmel
von Orion/Hase über großen und kleinen Hund (Isis/Nephtys/Anubis) mit dem Einhorn dazwischen, gefolgt von der Wasserschlange mit Löwe und Jagdhunden darstellen sollen.

Das würde den zeitlichen Bereich von April bis August abdecken oder, wenn die Sternbilder abends gegen 18 Uhr aufgehen sollen, etwa Oktober bis Februar.

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11 Jan. 2011 20:05 - 09 März 2015 18:15 #3344 von
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12 Jan. 2011 18:57 - 09 März 2015 18:15 #3355 von
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14 Jan. 2011 11:10 - 09 März 2015 18:15 #3366 von
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14 Jan. 2011 15:09 - 09 März 2015 18:15 #3369 von
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19 Jan. 2011 12:09 - 09 März 2015 18:16 #3404 von
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20 Feb. 2011 13:13 - 09 März 2015 18:15 #3723 von
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20 Feb. 2011 14:45 #3726 von Tuisto
@Legoland: Ich dachte, sie sind Herrn Dirk Schröder freundschaftlich verbunden?

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